Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Sorry for being gone so much. Things started to get a little crazy around here. Little dude loves school and is learning so much. I can actually see a change in his behavior which is good. He seems to be a little nicer to his sister.

Princess loves to have time to play by herself or with mommy. It has been fun. We have never really had her and me time before. She always gets excited when little dude comes home though.

The hubby might be getting a promotion after all. They talked to him about it today and will find out in the next couple of weeks. I hope that it works out for his sake he deserves it!

We have also put our house up for sale. With a new baby coming we have decided that we need more room. We also have been here for 5 years and feel that the way that the market is going it is time to find something that we can be in until the kids are out of school. We did find something and we put an offer on. We found out today that they accepted our offer and the house is ours. Well, as long as our house sells first. There has been 5 different people look at it since Friday when we put it on the market. I hope it goes fast. We will see. In the mean time, it has been a little hard keeping the house spotless, but good for me. I will keep you all updated.

One final thing, I am feeling so much better! I am now 12 weeks along and I think that feeling sick is behind me. As long as I stay away from Spaghetti and Pizza! YUCK!


Becky said...

Congrats on finding a house! That's awesome. I'm wondering how we're going to fit another child in our house! We REALLY hope to not be here too much longer but are going to do some sprucing up before april. We've been in this house since May of 97.....it wasn't suppose to be our "forever" home but almost 10 years later it's starting to feel like it! LOL!

ENJOY your special time with your lil' girl! I've always enjoyed that one on one time with my kids as well.

Glad you are feeling better!! YAY YOU!!!!

Kat said...

congrats,good luck and pizza?

Shannon said...

I usually love spaghetti and pizza, but the garlic and onions make me so sick. Actually anything that has any type of an aftertaste makes me really sick. So lets just say my diet has been really plain and boring.

Courtney said...

I hope your dh gets the promotion! I will be happy when I get out of the quesy stage. Congrats on the house!!! I hope your's sales soon!!!! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Am I the only would who doesn't want you to move?

Anonymous said...

errrrr..........Am I the only one who doesn't want you to move?

Shannon said...

Everyone else lives far away, you live down the street! Even our sisters wouldn't care as much as you do. Sorry, but if we had a house as big as your right here, we would stay. I still love you though!