Sunday, April 27, 2008

Has it been 4 years all ready?

My Princess turns four tomorrow (Monday). It has been a weekend FULL of Tinker Bell or as she keeps saying Tinkle Bell. I am exhausted, but it was great!

I wanted to sit down and write about her while I have a minute and also while I am in a sappy mood.

As I have mentioned before, she was a big surprise in our family. I had mixed feelings when I found out that I was pregnant with her. I was really scared and I was excited. These emotions would change at the drop of a hat the entire time I was pregnant. Fast forward 4 years and that pretty much explains things even today. I get scared when she is quiet and alone. She likes to get into things even still. I get excited for her when she learns knew things. She is very creative and also very messy. She can be so happy and also very sensitive. She loves to play, and loves to watch movies and fall asleep. She is very smart and learns really fast, and still has a lot to learn.

In one day she can make me feel almost every emotion possible. But truthfully, the one I feel the most is unconditional love. No matter what at them end of the day she gives me big hug and kiss and makes my heart melt.

This girl has quite a spirit about her. She has taught me so much and challenges me every day to be a better mom, wife, sister and daughter. I know she is watching me and I want to be a good example to her.

She plays an important role in this family. I couldn't me more grateful for her and who she is!

Happy Birthday little lady, your mommy loves you!


Jen said...

Happy Birthday, Princess! She is so cute! We love having her around. If you ever get tired of her, you know where to send her!!

Holly said...

I still remember the day you said "guess what" and I immediately said "you're pregnant". I have had very few of those "psychic" moments in my life but that was one! I also remember the time we all went to Melting Pot and Toby let her put flowers in his hair all the way back to the no matter what he says about not wanting a girl, I know he'd love it.

Shannon said...

Holly, let's not forget that she took her first steps to Toby!

Robin and Stephenie said...

I say no more blog post that make me cry! Ok. your such a good mommy. Happy birthday Princess!