Saturday, September 27, 2008

Call us CRAZY!

It doesn't come to a surprise to most of you that at our house we "live life by the seat of our pants" sometimes. We have always been a little too willing to break the rules for something fun because well, we like to have fun. I think that there has always been a little "lets try something new" in our bones too.

With the crappy economy that we are living in and the "grand" presidential candidates that we have (saying that with all the sarcasm that I can muster) things are not going to get better for awhile. This combined with the fact that my hubby doesn't have a job and we are as poor as poor can get we have a new look on being prepared or even being more self sufficient. The new "look" that we have is the importance on being self sufficient and being prepared.

With all that said we have been trying to find ways that all this can become so with the resources that we have. We were blessed with an awesome harvest this year with resulted in TONS on canned goods and lots of frozen bags of fruits and veggies. This will be helpful and is a nice feeling to have that.

Well, the opportunity came up the other day that we could also have some chickens. When at first I said no thanks for fear that it would just creep me out and be too much work, my hubby surprisingly had different thoughts. We talked about it and thought that this might be a good thing for us right now.

So we are going to pick up our two chickens today.

We have a place for them already and I believe that everything else that we need is going to be taken care of. The upkeep is going to be very little and we are hoping the the benefits are going to out weigh that. So stay tuned for starting today we are officially farmers.


Amy Mitchell said...

My mom was raised on a chicken farm, that was my grandpa's livelyhood so if you need any advice we can ask her!!!

Jen said...

We had a chicken once, but then it flew away. I wasn't too sad, though. I don't like animals much. I applaud your craziness! When the tough times come, I'll trade you eggs for toilet paper, okay?

TravelMama said...

We had chickens, too! Wow! Who knew raising chickens is so popular??? Weird.

Becky said...

Hopefully you'll get some eggs out of it!!! ARe you doing it for eggs or meat or both?? I bet the kids will LOVE it!!!!

Holly said...

I hope you like being chicken owners - it is something gaining very quickly in popularity (again) after the last few decades of supermarket lifestyle. If you want to get some for meat, check KSL classifieds. People are constantly giving away free Roosters because sometimes you can't tell your chicks are roos until they are all grown up.

Carolina said...

Will the chickens be sponsoring scrambled egg breakfasts or pot pie dinners? I think I could handle raising chickens for eggs, but for meat . . . .