Wednesday, February 11, 2009

This week seems to be going by too fast!

It's been an interesting week.

You see it actually all started last Friday. It seemed every couple of hours our plans where being changed, and increased for Saturday. There was a baptism to attend, the open house for the new Draper Temple, a birthday party, work, pictures, preparing a lesson, and possibly a swimming outing. I was looking forward to actually doing something other than working the entire Saturday.

Bright at early we get up to start the busy day. Little Man hadn't been feeling very well all week, but I honestly thought he was starting to feel better. When he puked all over the couch our plans had to change once again. Since my hubby was performing the baptism I was dubbed to be the one to stay home with him. I am bummed I missed it especially since my nephew is named after me, I missed a big day in his life. A mother has to do what she has to do though.

I was worried about the temple though. The kids were really looking forward to it. I didn't want to miss this big opportunity for them either. I wasn't going to take a sick toddler though. NO WAY! So what did I do? I called grandma and grandpa, the only babysitters that I dare ask to take a sick kid. (Hi mom and dad!THANKS!) Plans were resuming as planned.

The temple was amazing! Every room Princess would ask "is this where you get married?" The highlight though was when she thought she was going to meet Heavenly Father. Since we were going to his house and all. Good thing she was content to trying really hard to feel him close to her instead. I will never forget sitting in the sealing room (where I finally got to tell her "this is where you get married") looking down at two of my three kids. This was a little overwhelming. I looked at Princess with her favorite pink dress on. Runs and holes in both legs of her tights. Her white shoes scuffed and her hair a little messy. Dude was being a little bit irreverent but still quiet. His hair was messed, his shirt untucked. Both with bright eyes and radiating with love. I couldn't help but think the next time we will be there together is on their wedding days. They will be grown up. No more messy hair, scuffed shoes, holes in tights or untucked shirts. I have a feeling I will think back on this time and really miss my little kids.

Next on the agenda was a birthday party with a REAL princess. I invited myself to the party to regulate the carb consumption of my "extra sweet" daughter. I thought I would make myself useful and take pictures. I have officially decided that I want that same real princess to come to my 30th birthday party in October (Hey sis just thought I would let you know that we have 8 1/2 months until our birthday's)! It was such a fun party! Princess has decided that she doesn't like birthday cake though. I wonder if she remembers how it used to make her feel. Every birthday that comes around she tells me that she is allergic to cup cakes. Lucky for me she never really eats much of it.

So Dude missed going swimming, I missed the baptism, I got out of working and Little Man started to feel a little better. I got around to preparing my lesson by 11:00. We went to bed exhausted.

The rest of this week has been filled with my hubby applying for a new job and interviewing for it too(which could be totally cool! Keep your fingers crossed while we wait to hear back!) I had a family photo session of the world's tallest family. (Seriously the tallest is almost 7 feet!) We all froze, but it was a success still. We went and saw my brother in law at Johnny Corino's for dinner on Monday night. I picked up tons of hours to work every night this week. I have the usual guitar lessons and school schedule too. We even had a play date with my old friend from Junior High yesterday as well. It has been a crazy week! But that is how we roll sometimes! I am not called Mommy Going Crazy for nothin'!


Jen said...

We were too busy to swim too. Maybe next Saturday?

Amy said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I had fun reading yours and when I have time- I'll have to peruse further back! It's always so much fun to meet someone new!

TravelMama said...

Your comments about your kids in the temple brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful memory to have!