Monday, April 27, 2009

In the Last Few Days...

My 2 year old has........

~Colored on almost every wall in his room the hallway, and the family room with bright pink sidewalk chalk.

~Ran into my guitar lesson TOTALLY BUCK NEKKID! Making my almost 8 year old student laugh so hard I thought he was going to fall off the couch.

~Bit into a package of grape sugar free Kool Aid staining his mouth, arm, tummy and fingers black! And yes this was about 1 minute after he did as I mentioned above!

~Snuck out of the house and ran through the muddy garden with just socks on.

~Got into the mini tube of tooth paste (while I was in the shower) and ate almost half the tube.

~Been carrying around a bag of elbow noodles thinking they are raisins.

~Been yelling NO WAY at almost everything that I say to him.

~Threw away one of his brand new shoes. Causing his dad and I to empty out the OUTSIDE garbage can onto a tarp in the garage to see if we could find it before garbage day.

~Shoved 3 DVD's into the player at once almost breaking the thing. Good thing they all came out!

~While birthday shopping for my princess he grabbed 5 shirts off the rack at once causing the entire rack of shirts to come off the hangers. It took me 5 minutes just to untangle them and put them back on the hangers and onto the rack.

~Put sunglasses on the cat.....he is doing that while I type.

~Hid his tie that I put on him for church in the DISHWASHER! When I asked him why he clearly said "Don't want it!"

~Snuck into the strawberry's I bought today for the Princess' birthday party.....He is done with the cat and is now eating the strawberry's all up.....


Anyone else with a 2 year old that is as sweet and dear and A HANDFUL and mine is?

I know it has only been 10 minutes since I posted this, but I had another that I wanted to add.

~Empty ALL of the DVDs out of the entertainment center. Really! This kid doesn't stop!


The Piquant Storyteller said...

We've all been there! One day you will look back on this post and laugh.

Tam said...

Wow He sounds just like how my daughter used to be. Good luck.

Becky said...

OMGOSH!!!!!!!!!!! LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure there is a part of you that was laughing as you wrote that post...if not, you will one day. What a HOOT he is!!!!

Why Not? Because I Said So! said...

I can relate to the going crazy part!

Hey Shannon, where do you go to make a Blog button? i really likes yours and want to make one for my blog. Thanks! ~~Sheila

FitGeGe said...

Wow...sometimes I wish I had a kid (usually a very fleeting thought when I see a cute one) but this is kind of making me glad I don't have one! (Although I'm sure he's making you crack up laughing!)

I'm with Sheila - how DID you get that Blog Button? I've been searching and no avail. :o(

RaCeNMoMmY said...

i'm sorry. thats how my son was/still is. i think some kids just have their own adgenda. but like another comment, one day you will look back & laugh. reminds me of a quote....

"Be aware that the tiny fingerprints that show up on almost every newly cleaned surface, the toys scattered about the house, the piles and piles of laundry to be tackled will disappear all too soon and that you will—to your surprise—miss them profoundly."
~Pres. Monson

Amy Mitchell said...

I wonder if Tylenol PM works on 2 year olds??? Or a kennel? lol
Hang in there! :0

Aubrey Anne said...

LOVE THIS POST SO MUCH!!! My Asher is EXACTLY this way!!! lol 2 year olds are SO MUCH FUN, aren't they?? Mine is 3 1/2 now, but as a 2-year-old... I thought I was going to die. Oh, and just so you know, mine still hasn't grown out of the constantly-naked phase!!!

Holly said...

I feel your pain. When we made Robbie's "Big boy" room, I had this fantasy image of how his bookshelves would have all his cute books and some pictures, a piggy bank, etc. It only took me a few days to realize I must have been deluded. All the books, all the photos, all of it had to come out or be repeatedly destroyed every day when he went down for his "nap" and set about trying to see how far and how fast he could throw everything against the wall. I think it's both a boy and a toddler thing.

Ellen said...

It sounds like your little one keeps you on your toes. I loved this post. I had a girl that was like that. Now that she is ten she is not as bad as when she was little.