Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My new workout routine.

Arms: Other than lugging around a heavy baby and car seat all the time I have found a great new workout for my arms. It has started off by a few hours (I will not say exactly how many hours) playing Guitar Hero III for my new Wii. Then a little while of boxing and baseball and topping it off with Donkey Kong.

Leggs: Dance Dance Revolution of course! Rockin' on Guitar Hero for long amounts of time does good for the calves too!

Every workout needs cardio right? Well Dance Dance revolution has a workout mode on it....nuf said.

So as you can see our Christmas presents came early and we are LOVING our new Wii! Talk to me in a few months to see if this routine actually works! I guess that I will have lay off the Christmas goodies though. OR I can add a few more hours of Guitar Hero each day!


Unknown said...

Huh, I swear I left a comment. Hmm, how odd. Anyway, sounds like you are having WAY too much fun with that utterly jealous.

Becky said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Guitar Hero 2. I'm dying to play GH3. You'll have to invite us over. I hear the Wii version of DDR is way fun. I think a Wii party is in order.