Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The SUPER low
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Family Adventure Holiday Edition
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
OOOOHHHHH!!!! I can't wait! This Christmas turned out to be the best EVER!
I was worried! I really was. ALL because of the kindness of others my kids have gifts to open in the morning. Some I don't even know what they are! You guys I don't even know how to tell you how grateful I am! Every single time I start to think about it I just sit and cry.
Christmas is NOT about gifts, it really isn't. We have been given so much, and I can tell you with everything that has been given to us I have truly felt the Spirit. We have felt and been focused on the love of Christ this season.
There are so many good people in this world. Again I am overwhelmed with gratitude and love for my fellow man! Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you can all feel the warmth that this season brings.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Busy Busy
Actually here's the updates:
The Hubby: Loving his new job. Trying to work as many hours as possible but still home TONS more than any other job he has ever had. He had a BIRTHDAY yesterday that I totally slacked on a blogging birthday tribute. Hope he still knows I love him! Happy Birthday babe! His sisters are with us for a bit. One more permanent than the other and he is LOVING it! So am I for that matter! It is great to have them here with us!
The Dude: Tomorrow is his last day before Christmas break and he can't hardly wait! He told me half awake last night that he really hopes that he is on Santa's nice list. I assured him that there have been lots of things that he has done lately that have made mommy and daddy proud and I am sure Santa will take that into consideration. I TOTALLY love this kid!
The Princess: She is still a trouper, but life has been a little harder lately. With the treats that people have brought over she is trying to learn a little self control. She can't wait for Christmas either. I love seeing the magic of Christmas in her eyes. She has been doing a few extra things around the house just so we will let her wrap the presents. I am willing to do anything the help her keep her mind off her glucose levels. She has been running pretty high lately. We are having a hard time determining if it is because of her runny nose, her maybe sneaking food, or if she needs a dosage change. Last night I was in tears when her meter gave her an error because she was over 600 and that is as high as it goes. We called to doctor and he gave us a little talking to about keeping her on a schedule of when she eats, and gets her insulin. Man I felt bad, but we can count that as lesson learned. Today is much better, but it is all starting to wear on her. As I figured it would. She is justified!
The Little Man: He is just as silly as ever. I am not sure what he understands about Christmas, but we took him to see Santa at Ikea and he screamed! He loves the snow though and would be out in it all day long if I let him. I can't wait for him to maybe get a better idea of what it is all about!
Me: I had 5 photo session last week, and have also been working lots of hours for Jet Blue. Since there has been so many airports with weather delays it has been SUPER busy! I have been preparing for Trev's sister to move in with us for a few months and his other sister from Texas to come for Christmas for a few weeks. I am loving them here, it has been nice to visit. I woke up this morning to awesome news that my sister had her baby! She had a little girl Hadley Nicole. I wanted so bad to go to the hospital to meet her, but I have been sick too. I decided to wait. It is killing me though! We did get all our shopping done finally. We did it all in one night. We started at 7:30 and picked up the kids a little after 1. I was so happy to get it done! Now I just have to wrap it all! URGH!
So that is what is happening with us. I can't wait to share with you all about all the Christmas Magic that has been happening, but I will have to share that when I am a little less tired. Thanks for sticking with me through this lame posting month! Hope to back an running after the holidays! Merry Christmas if I don't stop by before then!
Friday, December 19, 2008
It's time for a laugh.
In conversation, your husband describes his personality as Type 1 instead of Type A.
You ask your child how her day at school was, and she answers with a number.
The microwave beeps and your d-child shouts “that wasn’t me!”
Everyone in the family says they are "low" instead of hungry!
When your parents answer the phone, the first thing they say is "What's wrong?"
You have no problem asking your child if they are "high" in a middle of a public place.
You make sure your child has candy in bed with them.
You ask your child what they had for lunch and they reply 45 carbs!
Your daughter wakes you up in the middle of the night and says, "Mommy, I'm beeping."
Your child says "I'm tired" and you ALWAYS have to wonder if she's low, high, or just plain tired.
You travel with as much food as you do baggage!
You hear another parent wish that kids would come with instructions and your diabetic child pipes in and says, "I do, and I don't leave home with out them."
Your first grader calls you from school to tell you that his teachers, nurse, and health aide are all absent so you decide to go to first grade for the day.
Your child refers to sequel movies as "Type 2".
You automatically wake up at 2:00 a.m.
Every meal turns into a math equation.
Your child falls and before you ask if they're okay you ask, "How's your pump site?"
You base your entire self-worth on your kid's last A1C!
You know what glucagon is and what it does.
You wake up the entire house because you accidentally finger poke your daughter's best friend for the middle of the night check - they look way too much alike.
Your daughter has a sleep over and her friends line up for blood sugar check, and none of them have diabetes.
Your daughter begins to miss the school nurse over summer break.
Your child refers to having a cold as being 'real people sick'.
You laugh out loud reading this list.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Is it possible?
I am really looking forward to the new year and what it can bring. 2008 has been a rough one for so many, not just us. I am not banking on the fact that 2009 will be any less challenging. What I am hoping for is that it will be a little easier with the knowledge, faith, and hope that I have gained this last year. I feel my armour is a little more protecting than before.
This brings me back to my house. My home is what I make of it. I fully believe that it shows every emotion that I am feeling. I can truly walk out of a room and if I have felt a little overwhelmed the remnants of that feeling is shown in every one of my footsteps. Since I have been feeling the extremes of so many emotions can you imagine my house?
I am not meaning that it is messy, which it hasn't been lately. I am meaning when someone walks into my house I wonder what they feel? Is it possible that they can see how I am feeling that day? I am trying to be more aware of this. I want for everyone who walks through my door to feel loved. To feel the spirit and to feel important to me. With as much stress as I have been under I have been worried that when people leave they might need to seek therapy and not know why.
That brings up another question. Does that mean stress is contagious?
I guess what I am getting at is that I may feel a little more protected a little more strong, but is my front door as strong for what may come knocking in 2009?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
One Month Down....
So we have been dealing with Diabetes for exactly 1 month now. I totally feel like we are on a roller coaster. I am starting to wonder when we are going to get off.
Today to ring in the anniversary we have been dealing with EXTREME highs and lows. And when I say extreme she has been as high as 500 and as low as 50. I don't have any reasons to explain it. I am frustrated. I want to say that we have it all figured out, but as soon as we think we are getting it we get a day like today.
When we were in the hospital I remember one nurse telling us that the more organized our life is the easier it will be to control her diabetes. I have taken this to heart. We have taken one room at a time and scrubbed, de-junked, and organized it. I officially only have my bedroom left to do. I am really excited that we have done this. It really does make life easier. Set meal times are a must at our house too. I still have so much more that I want to do though. If anyone has any great ideas for ways to organize PLEASE SHARE!
Looking back on this month I feel that my little Princess has grown up so much. I still am amazed at her strength and how well she is dealing with all this. I feel so bad for her when she has her lows and she looks pale, has a tummy ache and is tired. My patience is tested when she is really high and I can't get her understand instructions, when she is irritable, and the times before bed and can't sleep because of the high. I understand that it isn't her fault, that is just how she reacts. I wish I could just kiss it and it will all be better. That her broken pancreas will start to work again and never fail her so she doesn't have to get any more pokes. Even though I feel all this emotion, I can look at her and she is still smiling. She is being effected, don't get me wrong. She tells me all the time she doesn't want to have diabetes forever. How is it that I have a 4 year old, that since birth has been afraid of the sight of her own blood and has been known to scream at any scratch big or small, be so brave when having to have 25 or so pokes a day? She still has never had a major breakdown about it all. This strength is heaven sent. I mean that! Her breakdown may come one day, and when it does come, I will be there to hug her, to love her, to let her cry or scream. She deserves it!
So to the last month of our lives....thank you. Thank you for the knowledge, the strength, the love, support, the family and friends, the challenges, the highs, the lows, the connections, the tears, the inspiration, all of it. If this has to be our new life than I accept it.
Monday, December 08, 2008
No really he was!
Think of this....
I woke up at 4:00 or so in the morning to my hubby biting my arm.
I don't know what in the world he was dreaming about, or why he felt that he needed to bite me in the middle of the night--WHILE SOUND ASLEEP! But you totally should have been there. I thought me yelling for him to stop was going to wake up the family.
What crazy things have you done while sleeping?
I guess I am old!
My mind thought I could do it! My body said "NO WAY! YOU ARE WAY TOO OLD FOR THAT!"
I was just trying to show off to the kids. They are so impressed that Daddy can stand on his head. I couldn't let him have all the attention.
Well guess what happens to an old lady that trys to stand on her head? I am not technically sure what happened actually, but something! I can't move. It took 2 days just to be able to move my head. I could feel it tear/pull on something all the way down my neck and spine and into my shoulders.
I am headed to get a massage by a neighbor tonight.
Daddy can have ALL the attention he wants. Heaven knows that an almost 32 year old man that can stand on his head in the middle of the room TOTALLY DESERVES it!
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
My Entry for the HP Prize Package Contest
It is no question that our family has really been through a lot in the last year. Between my hubby loosing his job, having to replace broken down cars, appliances breaking, and my daughter being diagnosed with diabetes. These are just a few of the struggles that we have been through, but the list is longer for the ways that we have been blessed. Our lives have been changed by many that keep the spirit of giving all year long. I have been brought to tears this morning thinking of those people that have touched our lives. There are so many that have helped us so picking a few is so hard to do. While really searching though I thought of a few stories that I would like to share.
It was right after my hubby was laid off from his job at the bank. I had been visiting with a friend and talking about the situation. I cried. I couldn't hold back my emotions of fear, self pitty, worry and more. She gave me comforting advise and offered to help in any way she could. I declined the offer but thanked her just the same. The next day in the hot summer afternoon I looked out my window and saw her walking up the street. She was 8 months pregnant pulling a wagon with her two little girls by her side. I headed outside to greet her and to my surprise her wagon was full of food. Her little family that was struggling as well had taken several things from their food storage and filled the wagon to bring to us. I stood there and cried. I literally felt like she had just given me the shirt off her back. I knew she couldn't afford to do that. She mentioned that she just wanted to help so that our family wouldn't be hungry as my hubby looked for a job. I humbly accepted. With every last bite that was taken I could feel her love and charity. I honestly don't know how I could ever repay such an act of love.
Another way we have been blessed this year was by my daughter's Preschool teacher. The kids had been to Mrs. Donna's class last year and they loved her. It came time to register Princess for this year and all I could do was worry. My hubby didn't have a job and I knew we couldn't afford to pay for Preschool. As the time got closer to the deadline for registration I was sure that she wasn't going to be able to go. When in my heart I knew how important it was for her to go. A few days before we had to meet with the teacher I decided that we would go meet with her and explain the situation. We walked in me embarrassed, the Princess elated, and I just sat with the teacher and told her that my hubby had been laid off and that things weren't looking good. That even though I would love for her to go to school we would have to pass this year. When I told her she looked up at me and said that she knows that Princess needs to be in her class this year and not worry about paying her. That we will somehow figure it out, but still bring her. I felt that I couldn't accept this offer. That was just so much for her to give. I talked her into letting me trade with photography for the year, but I feel like I still have the better end of the deal. I have thanked her many many times and every time we talk about it she expresses love for teaching and for her students. I found out that the tuition the parents pay goes only to things for the kids. She doesn't make an income off of it at all. She has been teaching for over 20 years and has never made any money from it. What an amazing person! I know how she has touched Princess' life with all that she has done for her. She has touched ours as well with the example that she is. I would love to be able to repay her for this year of Preschool, and for all the other 20 years that have passed with serving and teaching so many kids! I know that I could never really do that, but I hope to find a way that I can come close.
This is just an example of two people that have touched my life. I really could go on! But my parents, sister's and brother's have ALWAYS been there for me in more ways than one. They have paid bills for us, watched kids, given us food, helped us with projects and so much more. It will take an eternity for us to repay them for all that has been done for us. I have an amazing family that no matter the situation they are there, helping with open arms and a loving heart. If I can never repay them then I just can hope to become more like them.
If I were to win the contest and receive all those awesome prizes I would have to say I don't think that I would keep any of it. I really mean that. I have searched for ways to repay all those that have helped us. I am in debt to many wonderful people that it wouldn't be right for me to keep any of it. They have sacrificed for us and have been happy and willing. I mean it when I say our lives have been changed this year and I really owe it to everyone that has been there along the way. If any of you are reading this I hope you are blessed. Thank you for being who you are and thank you for being an example to the rest of the world including my little family!
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Ana's Song
We were looking through some old videos of the kids the other day and we found this video. Please ignore my fat scroungy self. Just listen to the song. This is a song that the kids' "Ana" sang to all her kids and even now sings to her grand kids.
When I saw it last night I was taken back by how little my two oldest kids were. I almost forgot what they where like at that age. Little Dude was almost 2 and Princess was about 8 months old. Even though I look and sound terrible I am grateful that we captured this moment. Silly kid used to LOVE to sing.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Low Carb Recipe
My dad gave me a copy of a computer program that I can enter recipes and it will tell me what the nutritional facts are so I thought I would double check it. I was right! 8 carbs per serving! Really guys this is super good for me. I actually did it! And picked something that was really low for the Princess to eat! Maybe I can do this!
I wanted to share the recipe just in case anyone would like to try a low carb dinner that is easy and pretty good.
Cheeseburger Pie
1 lb of ground beef
1 cup of onion chopped
1/2 tea. Salt
1 cup of cheese, grated
1/2 cup Bisquick
1 cup milk
2 eggs
Cook ground beef and onion, then drain. Add salt. Add hamburger mixture to greased pie pan. In another bowl, mix together Bisquick, milk, eggs and cheese. Pour over hamburger in pie plate. Sprinkle top with a little more cheese. Bake at 4oo degrees for 25 minutes.
Makes 8 total serving. 1 serving is 8 total carbs.
We served this with sugar free jell-o and green beans. For an entire dinner it was 12 carbs! (Que the tooting of my own horn)
Just thought it would be fun to share! Have a great day!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Just like your friend Thanksgiving, you too have come at an inopportune time. The only difference is that you seem to have this problem every year. Now if you would consider moving to February or so that would really work better for me. I have taken the liberty in making a list of reasons why it would be better to wait a few more months to celebrate you.
#1 It is right in the middle of tax season. I can see tax payers that are getting a refund feeling a little better about forking out half a month's salary for gifts that get put in a closet the day after opening.
#2 Switching places with Valentine's day could really work after an election. Heaven knows this country could use a little more love about now.
#3 Most people get a little tired of seeing snow after Christmas, but we still have 4 to 5 months left of it. Everyone wishes for a White Christmas, we can wish for it a few more months and no one will ever even notice.
#4 I might be going out on a limb here with this one, but doesn't the day Feb. 29th have a nice ring to it? It would give me a little more time to plan for Christmas if you only come around every 4 years.
So think about it. I think that it could really work.
Mommy Going Crazy
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
You have kinda come at an inopportune time. Don't get me wrong, I have much to be grateful for. I was just kinda wondering if maybe you want to pack up and move to lets say April? That way I would have a little more time to learn about counting carbs and insulin and stuff before the ONLY holiday where you are expected to eat ALL day long. So basically I am not ready for you yet. Give it a few more months than maybe I will be.
Plus wouldn't it be nice to get out of Christmas' shadow anyway? Yea, see? I didn't think you would have a problem with it!
Thanks dearly,
Mommy Going Crazy
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Stay
Here are a few pictures of her stay there.
This was taken the night we got there. We made sure to take her teddy "Dot" and another of her favorites "Kung Fu Panda" but while she was in the emergency room the doctor took her down the hall to go pick out a prize. She came back with this silly looking doll named "Sweet Cinnamon". The other doll was her Hospital Buddy named "Ivy" everything they did to Princess they did it on Ivy first. This really helped her feel more comfortable.

After she started feeling better she started having a hard time getting to sleep at night. One night before bed I took her on a walk. I loved this picture of her just wondering down the hall at midnight in her princess robe and slippers.



Don't mind me. I was SOOO tired, and so not looking great! But I couldn't pass up a picture with her too! She was my support the entire time!

She proudly wore her hat to the movie! There is a story that goes along with all this too, that I have been meaning to share. Hopefully soon I will get to that.

Her penny jar that her first nurse Dan made her! This was taken the morning we where leaving. She ended up with over 60 pennies. 1 for every poke!



Thursday, November 20, 2008
That was just for 100 test strips.
That honestly will only last a few days.
Maybe a week.
Bring back the tears that I have spent the last 3 days trying to hide.
Her blood sugar is now 428.
We are all learning that change is not always bad. That doesn't mean that it is easy, but sometimes you don't have a choice.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Once again we have been consumed with kindness by family and friends. There have been meals brought in by our neighbors and my awesome cousins. Remember them? I know, they were at it again even with a diabetic cookbook! Great friends have come over and convinced us to take a break. I never knew how much a trip to the mall, some cute house slippers and some yummy desert at a local restaurant could really help the soul. Our family has been amazing too! They have been trying to learn more about Diabetes and have even been almost as obsessed as I am with counting carbs. I loved it today when my sister called me from the grocery store to tell me how many carbs where in a package of Smarties. (6 in case anyone cares) We have received so many emails, phone calls, visits, hugs and more that bring me to tears every time.
I have been wearing my emotions right on my sleeve, and I can't stop the tears from coming most of the time. I received a phone call from our Pediatrician today that even that brought me to tears. My Princess climbed up on my lap and asked me why I have been crying so much lately. I responded with all that I could think of "I am crying because in everything I do and everything that I see, the Lord is right there with me. I am not alone." I told her. " Can you feel His help when you have to do something hard?" "Yes." She replied. "Well Mommy feels grateful for his help. It makes me happy to have him here with me."
I may be really stressed and tired, but I am filled to the brim with gratitude.
I am humbled.
As for her, I have been saying since she was born that there is something special about her. Stay tuned for a story about something that she did while she was in the hospital. She is amazing you guys. She has taught me so much!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I will update later.
I am off to organize things.
Thanks again for all the phone calls, emails, comments and prayers. We are surrounded by super awesome family and friends.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
These two days have been very busy. They have had us in classes for a lot of the day learning about Diabetes. We have been given so much information that I never thought I would need to know. Now with a quick change of events this is information that will help my daughter to survive.
She is doing great! She has charmed all the nurses here. Every time they see her they ask her why she is so cute. They all comment on how brave she is and how great she is being. I am so surprised by her strength. She has had her moments of weakness where she tells me she will hide her hands so she won't have to be poked again. But she gets through those moments and in the end is more brave before it started. We came up with a plan that has been helping her so much with every poke. Bribery. However our bribes have changed a bit. Bribing her with candy is not longer a great idea for her. So we have bribed her with pennies. For every poke she gets with a test or with her insulin she gets one penny. To put all this into perspective for everyone who hasn't seen her bruised and beat up tiny fingers, I owed her 26 cents before the night was done last night. Currently her count has doubled that. Imagine...in two days we have had to find places on her tiny, tiny fingers to poke her almost 50 times. Poor thing. Her favorite nurse Dan made her a penny jar out of a specimen cup that she proudly shows everyone. And even thanks from a great friend NaTasha who brought us several rolls of pennies they payments aren't even coming out of my pocket. This has been wonderful for her though, even if it is bribery.
We have had many visitors in the last few days that have brought her things to do and things to play with. She is having a ball! Some of her friends have shown up to play and this means the world to her. When she said to me the other day that she thinks no one will ever want to play with her now because she is different it broke my heart. To see that not only will they want to play with her but that they come all this way up here to be with her has really brightened her spirits. We have loved the company too especially when my parents brought the boys to see us. I have missed them so much! They have been pretty good for my mom and dad too in case anyone was wondering about them.
All of our training is over now. I am scared to come home and try it on our own. I feel we can do it...well.....we don't have a choice, but we have resources if we ever need them. She is needing to stay until tomorrow because they don't quite have her levels worked out yet. She still has very high moments and very low moments. We have been assured that we get to go home tomorrow night. Thank goodness it is after the showing of High School Musical 3 in the auditorium. She COULD NOT miss it!
I am off to do another poke before we head to bed. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers! You internet friends (and real friends and family too) are awesome! Thank you!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Where do I begin?
First of all, thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. We are walking testaments that prayers are felt and that the Lord has a plan for us. This has been a difficult year for us, but this too is something that we will take it one step at a time, and just try to find what it is that we are supposed to learn.
Well, when we got to the doctor this morning the first thing they needed her to do was pee in a "hat". It was a little thing that goes over the potty so she doesn't have to hold a cup. She was told that if she could give the nurse all that she needed for the test they wouldn't need to poke her. Unfortunately though the test came back as +3 (0 is normal) so the nurse had to poke her anyway. We were told that they needed to find out what her levels are but most likely she did have type 1 diabetes.
When the doctor came in and said there her blood sugar levels where higher than what they can test it at (well over 300. 60 something to 115 is normal) he said that she definitely has it. He had contacted the Endocrinologist and that he needed us to head up to Primary Children's Medical Center and that we need to get there within the next hour or so.
So the craziness began. We packed and worked out some details for the boys all the while she played happily with her cousins until we could be all ready to go. Her daddy and grandpa gave her a blessing, and we where off.
Once we got here they had to test her levels again (yes another poke) and her blood sugar levels where higher than 500. Let me take a minute to point out how incredibly lucky she is. Most people when their levels are this high they are close to a coma. Some how her body was working with it and her little personality hadn't been effected by it. We caught it at the perfect time before she got to that point. She is also very lucky that her grandpa has type 2 diabetes (for all those who don't know, that type 2 is not at all related to type 1. They are totally different so there for not hereditary). He came up from Las Vegas and came to the hospital to be with her. This helped to feel normal and that she is not alone. What a blessing that was to have him here for her tonight.
They gave her her first dose of insulin and sent us up to her room. They where doing more test and asking more questions and she just climbed up on my lap. Not hardly moving or talking. At first I thought this was because she was scared. Then I felt that it was something more. I was telling them that she was feeling sick. They thought that it was because it was late and she hadn't had dinner. They actually ended up testing her levels again and it was WAY too low at 50. Quite the change. They gave her some more insulin and dinner and she was much better.
This is why she is here for 4 days. The roller coaster of getting it leveled out is going to be rough. We are also here for what they call Diabetes Boot Camp. She will live with this forever and could get worse someday if not taken care of. We are here to learn how to live with this. How to monitor her and learn how to give her what she needs. This will change all of our families lives. Maybe with the new eating habits I will loose the extra weight that I have been wanting to loose forever now.
I wanted to end with a quote from our doctor Dr. Buchanan (aka the VERY best doctor in the world) He said "We need to not adjust her life to fit the treatment, but rather adjust the treatment to fit her life." I loved that! It gives me hope!
Oh, one more thing. We still don't know how this is all going to work out without having insurance, but it will somehow. We have already seen the blessing and the promise that we are doing the right thing regardless.
P.S. If any of her friends want to visit, she would love it!
Keep her in your prayers.
She was tested for Diabetes and she was tested positive (with VERY high levels might I add) for type 1 Diabetes.
We are headed to Primary Children's Hospital ER and will be there for the next 4 days. Please keep her in her prayers. I will update when I can.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Should I be worried?
Naturally when you drink lots you pee lots too, so I am sure you can guess that she is always going potty. ALWAYS is an understatement lately though. Part of the problem is the fact that she has been having accidents while sleeping a lot lately, like 3 times in a 24 hour time frame. While trying to figure out what is going on with her and try to stop the accidents from happening I have realized a few other things that had brought up some concern. This problem has been on coming for a little while now, but just in the last month it has been getting really bad! When I say bad, I mean I have never seen anything like it. She drinks SO much. For instance, she woke up the other morning and threw up. Her daddy felt bad for her and went and bought a 64 oz thing of Gatorade for the family to share thinking it might help her tummy. Well less than 2 hours later she had drank almost the ENTIRE thing. There was probably about 12 oz. left. I know it was her that drank it because her brother was gone and and her dad and I hadn't had any. Is she the only child that could do that? Also before she started wetting the bed so much she would get up 3 or 4 times in the night even to get a drink.
A few of the other things that I have noticed is that when I have tried to regulate what she has been drinking and when she needs to stop drinking for the night (trying to help the accidents) all she tells me is that she is thirsty and hungry. When I feed her all she wants is to drink, she fills up in drink and hardly touches her food even though she said that she was hungry. Also after not letting her drink anything after 7:30 at night last night at about 9:00 or so she had gone potty 3 times in 45 minutes.
The more I think about all this the more it gets scary to me. I have heard that when someone is always thirsty and can't stop drinking it is a sign of being diabetic. When I realized at what point is started to get really bad (about a month ago) was when she had been given lots of Halloween candy. It is scary to me, but that made perfect sense. If she is eating more sugar the worse her blood sugar would be and the more thirsty she would get.
Tell me internet world, am I looking into this too much. Should I be worried? I really don't want to be one of those people that over reacts. I guess that when it comes to the health of my kids I can't over react too much. With all of your infinite wisdom internet friends, have you ever heard of this really happening?
I laid awake most of the night last night so worried. Wondering if this sounds like a case that needs to be taken seriously, or if there is something else I should be trying since we don't have insurance and all.
I don't know what to next.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Halloween 2008
Then we went and ran a few errands and the kids where great. We came home, had lunch, rested and were off again. We went to Exit Reality's Halloween party. (My hubby will soon be an employee there too, but that is info for another post) It was great! The kids had so much fun and I got to talk to a few people that I hadn't seen in a long time.
Then we were off to Grandma's and Grandpa's house. They were having a big thing for all trick or treaters. It was great! They decorated their garage and handed out hot dogs, chips, homemade rootbeer and cotton candy to everyone that came by! It was a HUGE hit! We were joined by some awesome friends Josh and Jenni to go trick or treating. Then surprised by Brandon and Cherie who also wanted to come along. The kids had such a great time!
Little Man was dressed as a 3 eyed green monster.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008
White Trash Winter

Here is my littlest girl.....isn't she cute. WAIT! I don't have 2 girls! With those HOT PINK pants, the hat with the big flower and the pink gloves you would never know this was my Little Man. Good thing a found an old jacket and old boy boots in storage or you would REALLY think it was a girl.



Tuesday, November 04, 2008
As I have said before it has been a long hard summer for us. With my hubby loosing his job the very day that I was able to work from home for my job. With the fact that we where not prepared with food storage, with savings, with anything really. With the fact that the economy has plummeted like it has. There really are so many things that have played into all of it for us. I have spent SOOOO many hours crying, feeling sorry for us, being scared, and praying for guidance and help.
We have been sent many messengers from our Heavenly Father to help us out. To lend a helping hand or an ear to listen. Cookies where sent, hugs where given, time was spent praying in our behalf, chickens where donated, food was provided, the mortgage was paid, there were some that paid our utility bills even. Lets not forget to mention that many provided us with the opportunity to work in yards, work on decks and sheds, clean windows, take pictures, teach guitar lessons and many other things, and in return give us money to help make ends meet. For all these things I am truly grateful! I really honestly don't feel deserving of all this, but I really hope that those that have helped us receive blessing pouring upon them. In turn I hope that I can repay or help someone some day the same way we have been helped.
The Lord's hand is in every aspect our our lives and we can totally see that! Even the smallest of things. I posted awhile back some feelings that I had in regards to all this and I got the coolest comment from my sister (all the comments where awesome) this is what it read "We are all praying for you and you know it will all work out. Look what happened last time and the blessings that came your way. John 14:18 reads "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." He will guide you as you make your next steps in life." Thank you sis for sending that to me, it has helped me see that we are not alone. Far from it actually!
When all this happened we committed as a family to do a few things and I feel I need to share them.
1- We couldn't ever forget to pay our tithing. We have a testimony of how important this is and knew that we couldn't spiritually or physically afford to not pay it. There are so many blessing associated with paying your tithing. We knew that all that he had and all that we were given was coming from him that we owed it to him to give him thanks for that.
2- Even though we have very little money we felt it necessary to double our fast offerings. This is something that we have done in the past when things get rough. We felt that this was a must in this situation as well.
3- We felt that it was going to be so easy to get caught up in the frustration of not having an income and that it could really effect how we treat each other. To make sure that our family wasn't going to be torn apart, and to help us stay close we decided to spend more time together as a family. This is where our Sunday Adventures where born. We had thought of doing it before my hubby got laid off, but the meaning and importance of it changed after. We committed to taking that time every Sunday to do something fun and get away from all that troubled us. With doing this our family has truly become stronger and I have more love for each member of our little family than I ever have.
I am sharing all this today because of a few reasons. First because I truly believe that each of us have something to learn from all those around us, and if there is anyone else in need of learning what I have learned I want to be there to help. Times are rough for everyone, and I don't see them getting any better. Please take from it what you will. I am sure that by me mentioning all this someone will grow. I hope anyway. The second thing is that a few weeks ago the Lord sent someone our way to help again. It was a neighbor that had a position that he had at his work and wanted to hire my hubby for it. It was something totally different than what he was doing before, but he didn't hesitate. He started a few days later. Since he is an on call contract employee getting paid hourly I have been guarded a little since he started. I wanted to make sure that we would be getting the hours that he needed so we could be self sufficient again and I also wanted to make sure that he enjoyed it before we were "out of the woods". Well, I finally feel we are at that point. He got his first paycheck yesterday and has been really busy every day with work. The best part is that he gets to spend more time at home than his previous job and could potentially make more money. This is great from him and it is nice to see him happy!
I am rejoicing today. I am grateful and I humbled. I feel closer to my family, my friends and my Heavenly Father! We are a lucky family!
Thank you everyone! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
So Excited
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Dear Hubby,
Well that is why I am here today. To thank you with all my heart for taking the problem of neither one of us ever wanting to do the dishes and hand off the responsibility to the oldest child. Now neither one of us have to bother with it! SWEET!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Bored Here?
I found it on a pair of jeans.
I got a gift certificate for my birthday and I really needed some new jeans. When I got home the tag had a little quote on it that I thought was pretty cool.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
How did she know?
Did I say it out loud? I thought I was just thinking it.
Friday, October 17, 2008
My cousin and her awesome family.

The cool thing about Marianne is that she has this awesome gift. She knows me. When I have had a moment that I needed to talk to someone any time in my life she just shows up and she is there. We can even go SO long without talking and in a moment of my weakness there she is. The other day I was feeling really down, sick, tired, stressed, overwhelmed and just down right sorry for myself and there she was. I am grateful for her and her friendship that we have shared our entire lives.
As I said before I feel pretty close to her entire family. Her older sister Susan has always been there for me too! I remember a time when she came to visit me shortly after I moved into my apartment in High School. She came to visit when I felt so shut out from everyone else. That visit meant so much to me. She also watched my kids for me when I went to girl's camp!
Then there is my Aunt and Uncle. I can't name all the times they have been there for us! There are just so MANY! Can you believe that when my hubby and I were in desperate need of a car one time and had no money to speak of they GAVE us a car! Really they are so giving! Just the other day my Aunt sent me a box of Ziploc bags just so we can freeze some peaches.
Everyone in this family are great examples of being Christ-like! I am in debt to them. I can't say thank you enough. I just hope I can be just as awesome someday!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
My Yearbook Pictures



In 1986 I thought I would go a little drastic with the hair.



